Continuum 1 Small Plaque


Price: $145.50
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Select a design option below. We make it very easy.

1Use my artwork that I will attach when placing order in cart or in a separate e-mail.

Call us to discuss art type and sizing format needed. If your art has more colors than the design shown, there may be a price difference. We will let you know right away.

2 We want you to create a new custom design for us Let's talk. Call us at 800-875-1725

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Continuum 1 Small Plaque


Contact Number: 800-875-1725 Email :
Black granite plaque with metal frame around full color imaging. Plate guide is blind etched for placement of 12 plates as needed. Plates are at additional cost. Combination hanging and easel back. 8" W x 10" H
    Quantity 7 25 50 100
    Price $137.00 $130.00 $124.50 $121.00


Set Up Charge: $100 Charge on most products. We’ll call you if the set up is different. Where there are dies, molds, castings, and laser cutting involved or additional colors and multi area prints, there are additional costs. Call to inquire.

When you want a photographic look, either (four color process printing /silk screening) or (digital printing) is used. Silkscreening has a larger set-up cost. A lot of products allow for digital printing which cost more but then there is no set-up cost. There are pluses and minuses in every project that we’ll discuss with you so you can make a good decision.

We do everything we can to keep charges to a minimum while providing you the very best end results... Call us, our experience will make it easy.

Product Design Efforts: There is usually a design charge. Usually between $25 - $50 for simple art. $75 - $200 for complex and more creative design. We keep it affordable.

Because of all the options, if there are costs not shown like additional Printing charges, we will call you quickly.

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